We present our EcoFacts to make our efforts in the area of sustainability transparent. They make the environmental performance of our products transparent and easy to understand.

All information on environmental and health aspects is available and can be accessed in a summarised form. EGGER products are, as the saying goes, "fully declared". We provide you with reliable data and are happy to advise you. EGGER offers two formats for this: EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations) and EHDs (Environmental and Health Datasheets).

EcoFacts EPDs and EHDs Downloads

Our EcoFacts: Sustainability that goes deeper

Wood is our most valuable resource. We manufacture a wide range of products for furniture and interior design, flooring and wood construction from nature’s renewable resource. We strive to act sustainably, save resources and contribute to protecting the climate. Our EcoFacts clearly illustrate for you how far we have come in implementing this basic attitude. They make the environmental performance of our products transparent, easy to understand and underline our promise: More from wood.

EcoFact CO2-footprint

Wood-based materials are environmentally friendly.

All products leave traces on the climate. The CO₂ footprint can be used to measure how large these traces are. The raw material wood absorbs CO2 during its growth and stores the carbon. CO2 is emitted during transport and processing. When these values are compared, the result is the products carbon footprint. For our wood-based products, this value is very low. If the wood in our product has absorbed more CO2 than is emitted during transport and processing, the carbon footprint could be negative. As part of our climate strategy to achieve Net Zero by 2050, we want to further improve the carbon footprint of our products.

The EcoFact corresponds to the total cradle-to-gate CO2 equivalent GWP (A1-A3 according to EN 15804+A2), which is composed of the fossil, biogenic and land use global warming potential (GWP). The calculation is externally verified (see EPD).

EcoFact Share of renewable resources

Wood-based materials grow back.

Wood grows back in a few decades. Fossil raw materials take millions of years to develop. It is therefore important to continuously reduce the consumption of fossil raw materials. This EcoFact shows how much of the material used to manufacture the product comes from renewable resources (wood, paper) and how much from fossil resources (glue, wax, resin). In this way, we transparently indicate for each product the contribution it makes to the bioeconomy.

The EcoFact refers to all ingredients of a product by weight. It is based on an internal calculation.

EcoFact Proportion of wood from the circular economy

We save natural resources.

It makes sense to reuse, recycle and utilise existing products as much as possible. This EcoFact shows how well this works for us in practice. It presents the wood used in a product by category: Recycled materials (e.g. old furniture, pallets or pieces of pallets) and by-products from the sawmill industry (e.g. hackchips, sawdust) contribute to the circular economy . The remaining wood comes from sustainable forestry , for example from thinning or from roundwood that is not suitable for sawing.

The EcoFact refers to the wood used in the product. It is based on an internal evaluation.

EcoFact Recyclability

Wood-based materials have many lives.

Wood-based materials are high-quality and can last for many years. They are also a valuable resource at the end of the product life: Many wood products can be recycled and thus become a high-quality board material again.

This EcoFact specifies whether a product can be used for the production of new wood-based materials at the end of its product life.

EcoFact Wood proportion from verified and certified sources

Our wood comes from reliable sources.

We are committed to promoting sustainable forestry and the responsible use of natural resources. As part of our due diligence system certified according to ISO 38200, we ensure compliance with legal and social standards in our supply chains. Our products can be certified by third parties according to ISO 38200. The wood we use comes from forests that fulfil all legal requirements for sustainable forest management. In addition, this EcoFact also specifies the proportion from certified forests in the product as ISO 38200 certified.

This EcoFact refers to the wood used in the product. The exact definition of "verified" and "certified" can be found in our Manufacturer's declaration on the sustainable origin of wood (VRG270).

Manufacturer's declaration on the sustainable origin of wood (VRG270)

All environmental and health data at a glance: Our EPDs and EHDs

The situation: What is the difference between HQE, LEED, BREEAM and DGNB? Building certification is a complex topic, just like the corresponding market for products and services. Different standards and rules can apply depending on the country or region. You need to ensure a structure obtains a recognised certificate for sustainability, health and energy efficiency.

This is why all the environmentally relevant data for our materials can be found in our EPDs and EHDs, which are accessible to the public. In doing so, we help architects and fabricators select the materials they need so they can obtain building certification. Information on the life cycle of our products can be found in the Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) and Environmental and Health Data Sheets (EHD).

What are EPDs?

EPD stands for “Environmental Product Declaration“. Environmental Product Declarations provide all the environmentally relevant information about a given material and offer a reliable database:

  • Product descriptions
  • Description of the manufacturing process
  • Certificates & test reports on product properties
  • Ingredients
  • Manufacturing processes
  • LCA
  • Use of resources
  • Waste

What is the purpose of an EPD?

Environmental product declarations enable builders, architects and fabricators to assess the environmental impact of materials. They obtain more clarity and control when comparing different products and building methods.

This is because emissions are released and the environment is polluted not only during the utilisation phase, but also during the production and recycling of building materials.

Our EPDs contribute to the assessment of sustainable construction and living over the entire life cycle of a building.

What key figures are included in an EPD?

International standards and product category rules (PCR) define the framework conditions for EPDs. The environmental impact of the product is assessed in various modules, such as raw material extraction, production and disposal. The core of every EPD is the LCA. It shows how a product affects the climate, soil and water.

The programme sponsor for our EPDs is the renowned German Institut für Bauen und Umwelt (Institute for Construction and the Environment) (IBU). Our EPDs are based on our own calculation principles, thereby making our efforts to reduce the environmental impact of our products transparent.

What are EHDs?

The EHDs (Environmental and Health datasheets) summarise how our products meet the requirements of country-specific building certifications. The evidence to be provided for this is directly linked in the EHDs. You will also find information that is required in applying for Type II environmental declarations.


Here you will find all current EPDs and EHDs, which include all environmentally relevant data for our products.